
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

(To Appear) Ben Jelen, Stephen Sher, Helena Donaldson, Gloria Liou, Amanda Stouder, Steve Chenoweth, and Mark Hays. Some Experience Required: Comparing Professional Requirements Engineering Experience to Students’ Perspectives. In the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T ’25; IEEE/ACM). (Acceptance: 32%).

(To Appear) Nyomi Morris, Tom Williams, and Ben Jelen. Trauma-Informed Insights from Co-Design of Self-Disclosure Robots with Domestic Abuse Survivors. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’25). (Acceptance: 25%).

(To Appear) Alisha Pradhan, Ben Jelen, Ramprabu Thangaraj, Katie A. Siek, Shannon Jette, and Amanda Lazar. Understanding Older Adults’ (Dis)Engagement with Design Materials. In the Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI Conference (CHI ’25). (Acceptance: 25%).

Michelle Marincel Payne, Julia M. Williams, and Ben Jelen. Developing Engineering Identity Through Story. In the Proceedings of the 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE ’24).

Ben Jelen, Amanda Lazar, Christina Harrington, Alisha Pradhan, and Katie A. Siek. (2023). Speaking from Experience: Co-designing E-textile Projects with Older Adult Fiber Crafters. In the Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’23). (Acceptance: 23%).

Amanda Lazar, Alisha Pradhan, Ben Jelen, Katie A. Siek, and Alex Leitch. (2021). Studying the Formation of an Older Adult-Led Makerspace. In the Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI Conference (CHI ’21). (Acceptance: 26%).

Sanchari Das, Andrew Kim, Ben Jelen, Lesa Huber, and L. Jean Camp. (2021). Non-Inclusive Online Security: Older Adults’ Experience with Two-Factor Authentication. In the Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’21). (Acceptance: 47%).

Ben Jelen, Olivia K. Richards, Samantha A. Whitman, Tom Ongwere, K. Cassie Kresnye, and Katie A. Siek. (2020). Exploring the Use of Electronics to Customize Pervasive Health Technologies with Older Adult Crafters. In the Proceedings of the Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth ’20). (Acceptance: 48%). (Related Blog Post; Presentation).

Alisha Pradhan, Ben Jelen, Katie A. Siek, and Amanda Lazar. (2020). Understanding Older Adults’ Participation in Design Workshops. In the Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI Conference (CHI ’20). (Acceptance: 24%).

Ben Jelen, Anne Freeman, Mina Narayanan, Kate M. Sanders, James Clawson, and Katie A. Siek. (2019). Craftec: Engaging Older Adults in Making through a Craft-Based Toolkit System. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’19). (Acceptance: 34%).

Ben Jelen, Julia Dunbar, Susan Monsey, Olivia K. Richards, and Katie A. Siek. (2019). Utilizing the Affinity Research Group Model in a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Program. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’19).

Annu Prabhakar, Lucia Guerra-Reyes, Vanessa Kleinschmidt, Ben Jelen, Haley MacLeod, Kay Connelly, and Katie A. Siek. (2017). Investigating the Suitability of the Asynchronous, Remote, Community-based Method on Pregnant and New Mothers. In the Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems CHI Conference (CHI ’17). (Acceptance: 25%). Honorable Mention Award (Top 5%)

Beenish M Chaudhry, Christopher Schaefbauer, Ben Jelen, Katie A. Siek, and Kay Connelly. (2016). Evaluation of a Food Portion Size Estimation Interface for a Varying Literacy Population. In the Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI Conference (CHI ’16). (Acceptance: 23%).

Haley MacLeod, Ben Jelen, Annu Prabhakar, Lora Oehlberg, Katie A. Siek, and Kay Connelly. (2016). Asynchronous Remote Communities (ARC) for Researching Distributed Populations. In the Proceedings of the Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth ’16). (Acceptance: 35%).

Journal Papers

Amanda Lazar, Ben Jelen, Alisha Pradhan, and Katie A. Siek. (2021). Adopting Diffractive Reading to Advance HCI Research: A Case Study on Technology for Aging. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 28, 5, Article 32 (October 2021).

Haley MacLeod, Ben Jelen, Annu Prabhakar, Lora Oehlberg, Katie A. Siek, and Kay Connelly. (2017). A Guide to Using Asynchronous Remote Communities (ARC) for Researching Distributed Populations. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 17, 11 (2017).

Nicholas A. Vavalle, Benjamin C. Jelen, Daniel P. Moreno, Joel D. Stitzel, and F. Scott Gayzik. An Evaluation of Objective Rating Methods for Full-Body Finite Element Model Comparison to PMHS Tests. Traffic Injury Prevention 14, 1 (2013). S87-S94.


Katie A. Siek and Amanda Lazar. NSF – CHS Small: Toolkits for Aging in Place for Older Retirees (TAIPOR). National Science Foundation. Grant Duration: August 2018 – July 2021. Total: $499,907. IU Portion: $254,446. (Press Release)
— I contributed to the idea formulation and writing of the grant.


Rachel Atherton , Patsy Brackin, Ben Jelen, Corey Taylor, and Jay McCormack. Bridging Divided Disciplines
Through Interdisciplinary Teaching Collaborations
. 2024 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm ’24). Panel.

Suttipat Ngammankongtangkit and Ben Jelen. (2024) How did Older Adults’ Telehealth Usage Change? Impacts from the COVID-19 Pandemic. In American Telehealth Association’s Nexus Conference 2024‘s Poster Session.

Pallabi Bhowmick, Clara Caldeira, Kay Connelly, Ben Jelen, Novia Nurain, and Katie A. Siek. Active Aging in the Era of Smart Devices. Edited by William Aspray. In Information Issues for Older Americans, pages 163–198. Rowman & Littlefield, Feb 2022. ISBN: 9781538150191.

Ben Jelen. (2021). Get to know Arduino. Fall 2021 issue of XRDS: Crossroads, the ACM Student Magazine.

Bran Knowles, Vicki L. Hanson, Yvonne Rogers, Anne Marie Piper, Jenny Waycott, Nigel Davies, Aloha Hufana Ambe, Robin N. Brewer, Debaleena Chattopadhyay, Marianne Dee, David Frohlich, Marisela Gutierrez-Lopez, Ben Jelen, Amanda Lazar, Radoslaw Nielek, Belén Barros Pena, Abi Roper, Mark Schlager, Britta Schulte, and Irene Ye Yuan. (2021). The Harm in Conflating Aging with Accessibility. July 2021 issue of the Communications of the ACM.

Christina N. Harrington, Ben Jelen, Amanda Lazar, Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Alisha Pradhan, Blaine Reeder, Katie Siek. (2021). Taking Stock of the Present and Future of Smart Technologies for Older Adults and Caregivers. A Quadrennial White Paper for the Computing Community Consortium.

Ben Jelen and Katie A. Siek. (2020). Hands-on with Paper Circuits: Quickly Prototyping Interactive Designs. In the Second Annual Symposium on HCI Education (EduCHI) at CHI 2020. (Video of Virtual Presentation).

Sanchari Das, Andrew Kim, Ben Jelen, Joshua Streiff, L. Jean Camp, and Lesa Huber. (2020). Why Don’t Older Adults Adopt Two-Factor Authentication? In the CHI 2020 Workshop on Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations – Addressing Global Challenges.

Sanchari Das, Andrew Kim, Ben Jelen, Joshua Streiff, L. Jean Camp, and Lesa Huber. (2019). Towards Implementing Inclusive Authentication Technologies for Older Adults. In Who Are You?! Adventures in Authentication Workshop (WAY) at Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security – 2019.

Ben Jelen, Susan Monsey, and Katie A. Siek. (2019). Older Adults as Makers of Custom Electronics: Iterating on Craftec. In CHI 2019 Late Breaking Work.

Ashley Marie Walker, Michael A. Devito, Juan Fernando Maestre, Katie A. Siek, Cassie Kresnye, Ben Jelen, Patrick C. Shih, Maria Wolters, and Mona Alqassim. (2019). ARC: Moving the Method Forward. In CHI 2019 Special Interest Groups (SIG).

Kathryn Kresnye, Juan F. Maestre, Ben Jelen, Mona Alqassim, Maria Wolters, and Katie A. Siek. (2019). Lessons Learned from Research via Private Social Media Groups. In CHI 2019 Case Studies.

Ben Jelen. (2019). CHI Aging Workshop. In the HCI and Aging: Beyond Accessibility workshop at CHI 2019.

Ben Jelen and Katie A. Siek. (2018). Expanding Making to Older Adult Novices through Participatory Design. In the workshop on Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research at CHI 2018.

Ben Jelen and Katie A. Siek. (2017). Empowering Older Adult Crafters to Electronically Enhance Artifacts for Health. In Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) at CHI 2017.

Ben Jelen. (2017). A Health Sensing Toolkit Designed for Older Adults to Craft Their Own Devices. In SIGCHI Summer School on Computational Fabrication and Smart Matter in conjunction with the Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF 2017).

Haley MacLeod, Ben Jelen, Annu Prabhakar, Laura Oehlberg, Katie A. Siek, and Kay Connelly. (2016). Lessons Learned from Conducting Group-Based Research on Facebook. In CHI 2016 Case Studies.

Ben Jelen. (2016). Creating an Older Adult Health Sensing Crafting Toolkit and Methodology. In Pervasive Health’s 2016 Doctoral Consortium.


Ben Jelen. (2019). Older Adults as Makers of Customized IoT Systems. At IU HCI Fest 2019 in conjunction with the CHI 2020 Programming Committee Meeting.

Ben Jelen. (2018). Designing a Crafting Electronic Toolkit for Older Adults. At Consumer Health Informatics in the Midwest 2018 (CHIM 2018).

Ben Jelen. (2016). Creating a Health Sensing Crafting Untoolkit and Methodology. In Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) at CHI 2016.

Ben Jelen. (2016). What does health mean to you? Planning an Elicitation with Older Adults. In Indiana’s School of Informatics and Computing Spring Research Symposium. Second Place Graduate Student Project.